
coming to your town, we'll help you party down

Also, while I'm here at this computer, as promised, tour dates. Not everything is ABSOLUTELY shored up, but most of it is:

the sea, like lead spring tour 2006

Friday, May 5 - Kiva Center, Northampton Community College, Bethlehem PA, with Belegost, October Skyline, Get to the Chopper. 7:30, $8.

Saturday, May 6 - Rudy's New Haven, New Haven CT, with They and the Children. 10:00ish, $3, 21+.

Sunday, May 7 - Bang-a-Rang Collective House (I don't ask questions), Lewiston ME, with The List Exists, Orange Lazarus, Hallowed Butchery of the Son, one more. 6:00, donation.

Monday, May 8 - Boston. This is yet unconfirmed.

Tuesday, May 9 - University of Delaware, Newark DE, with Wether, more. $5.

Wednesday, May 10 - Somewhere in College Park MD, hopefully.

Thursday, May 11 - Northsix (DOWNSTAIRS! Don't go to the upstairs because you'll see the Chinese Stars), Brooklyn, with Know Your Enemy, Hoover Flags, more. $7, 8pm?

Friday, May 12 - Be Happy House, Philadelphia PA, with Wether, more. $5.

Saturday, May 13 - Kansas House, Arlington VA, with My War.

That's that. Please come see us if you're in or around one of those places. If I don't know you, introduce yourself. My goals for tour are: make new friends, don't lose money, get some reading done, see some new things, rock out without breaking my fingers. Not necessarily in that order.


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