gotta get a message to mavis
This ain't no mp3 blog, but if you have a moment, you should download and listen to this phone message we got on our machine a few months ago (October 26, to be exact). Q ripped it into mp3 and it's quite possibly the funniest phone message I've ever recieved, far improving upon the calls I used to get to my dorm room for the Montefiore Hospital ICU (someone ACTUALLY LEFT A MESSAGE on my voice mail there once with PATIENT INFORMATION). It also barely beats out the message that we still have on our machine from a few months ago alleging that we sold a faulty UFO to the woman who runs the Monaca Hotel. She sounded rather displeased, and I'm pretty glad we made it out of that one without legal action against us.
(For those of you who aren't from Pittsburgh, the Duquesne Club is a highfalutin' social club for the very rich. That should provide some context that might make the message even more amusing.)
(For those of you who aren't from Pittsburgh, the Duquesne Club is a highfalutin' social club for the very rich. That should provide some context that might make the message even more amusing.)
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