a show tomorrow, if you will.
So, last minute-like, Q is throwing together a show for The Body at Roboto. Tomorrow night, September 7. 7:30 or whatever. And we're going to play. Sequoia is also going to play, hopefully. $5.00. I promise you, The Body is jarring in their volume. And Lee has funny-looking drums. And this show will RULE. Hard-like. See you there.
PS: Also thank you to everyone in Chicago and St. Paul for your incredible hospitality and kindness and rock. I can't say there was one band we played with this weekend that I didn't enjoy a whole lot. And we ate good food and I bought too many good books and a couple CD's.
PS: Also thank you to everyone in Chicago and St. Paul for your incredible hospitality and kindness and rock. I can't say there was one band we played with this weekend that I didn't enjoy a whole lot. And we ate good food and I bought too many good books and a couple CD's.
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