it's an oxymoron, like "microsoft works"
So for my birthday, The Girl and I went to see Corpse Bride, which was cute and short, the way I like my movies. (Insert stupid joke about women here.) The way movies (and books and any sort of narratives) treat death and afterlife and zombie-ism or whatever always interests me, so, even though it's a kid-oriented story, it made my wheels turn.
Also, we read some Jews for Jesus pamphlets (source of my post title . . . I never said they weren't clever) and ate a white pizza at Aiello's, which resulted in her becoming rather sick-ish. But not before getting the old tattoo-related talk from the guy who works there with the funny braided goatee a la Scott Ian.
(We ran into Tyler whilst reading the J4J propaganda, and he mentioned that they had "gotten him" the night before. I asked if they converted him, and he said that they had gotten him to become a Jew, but didn't succeed in pushing the Jesus part.)
Today I return to that place whence I came (well, not really, but that place whence I went to high school, and where my parents call home still) for some family action. I've been promised that my 3-year-old nephew will be hopped up on drugs still following an allergy incident earlier in the week. That should be amusing.
Also, we read some Jews for Jesus pamphlets (source of my post title . . . I never said they weren't clever) and ate a white pizza at Aiello's, which resulted in her becoming rather sick-ish. But not before getting the old tattoo-related talk from the guy who works there with the funny braided goatee a la Scott Ian.
(We ran into Tyler whilst reading the J4J propaganda, and he mentioned that they had "gotten him" the night before. I asked if they converted him, and he said that they had gotten him to become a Jew, but didn't succeed in pushing the Jesus part.)
Today I return to that place whence I came (well, not really, but that place whence I went to high school, and where my parents call home still) for some family action. I've been promised that my 3-year-old nephew will be hopped up on drugs still following an allergy incident earlier in the week. That should be amusing.
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