apse/sleeping kings of iona/the sea, like lead/sabres
(This is the first of a few up and coming events that i'm posting, for the purpose of LINKING THEM, where it says "up and coming.")
Apse (www.apsemusic.com)
Sleeping Kings of Iona (www.sleepingkingsofiona.com)
the sea, like lead (www.thesealikelead.com)
Sabres (no website that i know of, solo stuff from a sweet dude named keith)
Thursday, 07.07.2005 at ModernFormations, 7:00pm, $5.
Apse (www.apsemusic.com)
Sleeping Kings of Iona (www.sleepingkingsofiona.com)
the sea, like lead (www.thesealikelead.com)
Sabres (no website that i know of, solo stuff from a sweet dude named keith)
Thursday, 07.07.2005 at ModernFormations, 7:00pm, $5.
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